Texas Agricultural and Wildlife Organizations Endorse Greg Abbott for Governor
Jim Smaar of the Recreational Fishing Alliance spoke of Greg Abbott’s credentials as Attorney General, saying, “The Texas and National Recreational Fishing Alliance are both very thankful for the unbending support General Abbott has shown Texas sportsmen when others looked the other way. We must remember when the federal government destroyed our Offshore Red Snapper Season, General Abbott filed a lawsuit to level the playing field. We support his efforts to become the next Governor of Texas.”
Greg Simons of the Texas Wildife Association added, “Greg Abbott possesses a keen understanding and appreciation of property rights, private land stewardship, hunting heritage, and the public values of wildlife on private land. The Texas Wildlife Association is grateful for his leadership and promotion of these critical values for Texas. The Texas Wildlife Association PAC is proud to support Greg Abbott for Governor.”
Charly Seale, Executive Director of the Exotic Wildife Association, spoke of Greg Abbott’s history with the organization, saying, “Greg Abbott, as Attorney General for the state of Texas, has been a huge supporter of the exotic industry. He supported the EWA’s effort in our legal battle to save the Scimitar Horned Oryx, Dama Gazelle, and Addax antelope from over-regulation by the federal government. The Exotic Wildlife Association is proud to endorse and support General Abbott for Governor of the great state of Texas.”
Bob Bailey, President of the Texas Agricultural Aviation Association, stated, “Ag pilots constantly face the threat of frivolous lawsuits. Greg Abbott has been a champion of a fair and reasonable civil justice system, not one where the only winners are trial lawyers.”
“Greg Abbott is a defender of the constitution and a protector of our rights,” said Ron Hufford, Executive Director of Texas Forestry Association. “He has defended the environmental protection laws of Texas against the federal government, which greatly impacts the timber and other industries in the state.”
In response to the endorsements, Greg Abbott issued the following statement:
“As Attorney General, I’ve had the privilege of working hand-in-hand with agricultural and wildlife organizations to protect property rights, preserve Texas wildlife and defend against frivolous lawsuits that threaten the industry. I recognize the important role that the Texas agricultural and wildlife industry has in our state’s robust economy, and I will continue to strengthen this industry as Governor. I’ve always been proud of my partnership with each of these organizations, and I’m thankful for their support in my bid for Governor.”
For more information on Greg Abbott’s record, visit www.GregAbbott.com.