Texas’ Priorities Take our Texas Priorities Poll! Tell us what’s important to you and how Governor Abbott can work to make Texas even better. What issue affecting Texas is most important to you? Property Taxes Healthcare Border Security School Finance Higher Education Pro Life/Religious Liberty Hurricane Harvey Relief Do you approve of the job Governor Abbott is doing? Yes No Do you approve of the job being done by other elected officials in Texas? Yes No How would you describe yourself politically? Conservative Moderate Liberal Unsure Which social media application do you use the most frequently? Facebook Twitter Instagram Snapchat I don't use social media Other Where do you typically read or watch the news? Social Media Fox News MSNBC CNN NBC News Local news outlets Other How often do you read or watch the news? Several times a day Once a day Several times a week Once a week Other I don't read or watch the news Name* First Last Email* Zip Code*EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ