June 17, 2022
For Immediate Release
Transcript For “The Beto Flip Or Flop Board Game”:
VO: “Just in time for National Flip Flop Day, there’s Beto’s ‘Flip or Flop Game,’ the Texas governor role playing game where you roll the dice to decide what position Beto will land on. Advance your pieces on the board to suffer through various pandering tactics such as:”
VO: “… Embrace photo ops with the police or defund them.”
- THEN: O’Rourke Said He “Love(d)” That Black Live Matters Sought To Defund Line Items And Dismantle Police Forces As Currently Constructed. SVITEK TWEET: “Here’s O’Rourke when asked Wed. about ’20 defund comments. ‘I don’t think I’ve ever advocated for defunding the police.’ In ’20: ‘I really love that [BLM, others] have put this front & center, to defund’ line items, reroute to services & in some cases, dismantle & rebuild forces.” (Twitter.com, 11/19/21)
- NOW: O’Rourke: “I Don’t Think I’ve Ever Advocated For Defunding The Police…” O’ROURKE: “I don’t think I’ve ever advocated for defunding the police, to be clear on that, but I do think we need to make sure that we give police, sheriff’s departments and law enforcement the resources they need to focus on their most important priorities, which are to prevent and solve violent crime.” (Twitter.com, 11/19/21)
VO: “Support exempt statuses for churches or tax the living daylights out of them.”
- THEN: O’Rourke Said He Wanted To Eliminate The Tax-Exempt Status For Churches And Religious Institutions That Oppose Same-Sex Marriage. LEMON: “Do you think religious institutions — like colleges, churches, charities — should lose their tax-exempt status if they oppose same-sex marriage?” O’ROURKE: “Yes. There can be no reward, no benefit, no tax break, for anyone or any institution, any organization in America, that denies the full human rights and the full civil rights of every single one of us, and so as president, we are going to make that a priority and we are going to stop those who are infringing upon the human rights of our fellow Americans.” (Patrick Svitek, “Beto O’Rourke Says Religious Institutions Should Lose Tax-Exempt Status If They Oppose Gay Marriage,” Texas Tribune, 10/11/19)
- NOW: In January O’Rourke Told The Dallas Morning News He Never Said Churches Opposed To Same Sex Marriage Should Lose Their Tax-Exempt Status. “Gov. Greg Abbott is calling attention to a comment Democratic challenger Beto O’Rourke made in 2019 in which he said churches opposed to gay marriage should lose their tax exempted statuses. … ‘I want to make clear that I was never referring to churches that ideologically oppose same-sex marriage. The U.S. Constitution makes clear that what we believe and the way that we practice our faith within a mosque, temple, synagogue, or church is our own business, not the government’s business,’ O’Rourke told The Dallas Morning News in an emailed statement.” (Lauren McGaughy, “Greg Abbott Blasts Beto O’Rourke For Old Comment On Tax Exemptions For Churches Against Gay Marriage,” Dallas Morning News, 1/19/22)
VO: “Love the Green New Deal or choose the opposite and support energy workers.”
- THEN: O’Rourke Supported The Green New Deal. O’ROURKE: “Some will criticize the Green New Deal for being too bold or being unmanageable. I tell you what, I haven’t seen anything better that addresses this singular crisis we face, a crisis that could at its worst lead to extinction. The Green New Deal does that. It ties it to the economy and acknowledges that all of the things are interconnected.” (Tim Hains, “Beto O’Rourke On Green New Deal: ‘Literally, The Future Of The World Depends On Us’,” RealClearPolitics, 3/14/19)
- NOW: O’Rourke Touted Texas’s Ability To Produce Energy Resources That Can Be Used Domestically To Have Energy Independence. O’ROURKE: “I am so proud that Texas is producing the energy resources that we need domestically, securing our energy independence from the rest of the world, including Russia, now that we’re no longer going to import energy from that country.” (Beto O’Rourke, Remarks, Port Arthur, TX, 3/9/22)
VO: “Support Critical Race Theory or (CRT) Act detested.”
- THEN: In February O’Rourke Said He Opposed Efforts To Ban Critical Race Theory Because Not Teaching Critical Race Theory Means Texas Is “Trafficking In Myths And Things That Just Are Not True.” “Another conservative mobilization effort across the state involves the shunning of school curriculum that’s been defined as ‘critical race theory,’ or the idea that race is a social construct embedded in legal systems and policies. Abbott signed a law late last year to restrict the topic — and others — in public education. Under Senate Bill 3, ‘a teacher may not be compelled to discuss a … widely debated and currently controversial issue of public policy or social affairs.’ … But O’Rourke sees the law as a way to duck painful truths about the former slave state. ‘We should know the full story of Texas and the full story of the United States of America,’ he said. ‘Not only our founding ideals and principles, but the way that those ideals and principles were often violated by the people who wrote them, or the fact that so much of the wealth and opportunity in this state was actually created by people who had no choice in the deal whatsoever. … If we don’t, then we’re trafficking in myths and things that just are not true.’” (Marquise Francis, “Beto O’Rourke Seeks Campaign Redemption In Texas After 2 Straight Losses,” Yahoo News, 2/14/22)
- NOW: O’Rourke On CRT: “No, I Don’t Think It Should Be Taught In Our Schools, Yeah.” (Beto O’Rourke, Remarks, Victoria, TX, 3/11/22)
VO: “Play as Both Ways Beto and pick both issues at the same time. Order now.”