America is the brightest beacon of freedom the world has ever known for one simple reason. It’s because of our veterans—the men and women who put service above self.

Our country remains the greatest force for freedom the world has ever known, and that freedom has been preserved, protected, and defended by the mightiest military in the history of the world.

In times of war and in times of peace, heroes among us have stepped forward. We knew them first as fathers and mothers, sons and daughters, brothers and sisters. We thought them ordinary people until they put on a uniform of the United States Armed Forces.

These ordinary people do extraordinary things, standing the face of dangers, known and unknown. They protect us from all that threatens our nation, sacrificing so much and asking for nothing in return other than the freedom they have fought to defend. It is a debt we can never fully repay, but it is our duty to try.

As a state and as a nation, we must rededicate ourselves to a cause greater than ourselves—to freedom for our children, their children, and for generations yet to be born.

May God continue to bless all who wear the uniform of the United States of America.

Thank you,


Greg Abbott