May 4, 2022
For Immediate Release
“Extreme liberal Beto O’Rourke, who continues to run one of the most lackluster campaigns in recent memory, wants to end ‘right-to-work’ in Texas and bring the sort of European-style collective bargaining that makes the continent a nightmare for business. Beto would single-handily destroy the Texas Miracle.” – Mark Miner, Communications Director
O’Rourke Wants “A European-Style System Of Collective Bargaining,” Where Negotiating Would Occur Between Union Leaders And Managers For An Entire Sector, Not Just Company By Company. “Further, O’Rourke’s plan seeks to create a European-style system of collective bargaining, where union leaders and managers would agree on minimum standards for an entire industry sector rather than negotiating separately with each individual company. For industries with little union presence, O’Rourke says he would establish so-called wage boards, with equal employer and employee representation, to bargain over industry-wide pay.” (Ian Kullgren, “How Beto O’Rourke Would Help Workers,” Politico, 8/22/19)
O’Rourke Wants To Eliminate Right-To-Work Laws. “As President, Beto would work with Congress to pass The Protecting the Right to Organize Act, which includes: increasing monetary penalties for employers; making corporate directors and officers liable for participation in or knowledge of the violation of workers’ rights; allowing workers at one company to picket, strike, or support a boycott in solidarity with workers at other companies; and eliminating so-called right-to-work laws, which make it harder for unions to support themselves financially and are associated with lower wages.” (Beto O’Rourke, “A 21st Century Labor Contract,” Medium, 8/22/19)
“O’Rourke Calls For A $15 Minimum Wage, Including The Elimination Of Lower Wages For Tipped Workers And People With Disabilities.” (Ian Kullgren, “How Beto O’Rourke Would Help Workers,” Politico, 8/22/19)