May 5, 2022 For Immediate Release Governor Abbott Launches Small Business Coalition At Roundtable With Business Leaders In Houston Austin- Governor Greg Abbott today announced the formation of the Governor’s Small Business Coalition at a small business roundtable held...
May 3, 2022 For Immediate Release BETO WILL DESTROY SMALL BUSINESSES “Beto O’Rourke, who often changes his policy positions depending upon which zip code he happens to be in, will destroy Texas small businesses by raising corporate and capital gains taxes. Beto’s...
May 2, 2022 For Immediate Release BETO FLIPS ON TAX EXEMPT STATUS FOR CHURCHES “While running for President, credibility-challenged Beto O’Rourke said he wanted to revoke the tax exempt status from churches that opposed same-sex marriage. Unsurprisingly Beto, who has...
April 28, 2022 For Immediate Release WHEN WILL BETO FLIP AGAIN ON TITLE 42? “With the end of Title 42 coming next month, it’s only a matter of time and zip code until credibility-challenged Beto O’Rourke flips his position. Whichever zip code Beto happens to be in...
April 27, 2022 For Immediate Release BETO WANTS TO DESTROY RURAL HOSPITALS “Extreme liberal Beto O’Rourke’s support for single payer and ‘Medicare for All’ would destroy rural hospitals throughout Texas.” – Mark Miner, Communications Director O’Rourke: “We Need...