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Beto Throws in the Towel

May 20, 2022For Immediate Release BETO THROWS IN THE TOWEL “Yesterday’s blockbuster report on extreme liberal Beto O’Rourke throwing in the towel on fundraising in Texas shows what we’ve already known: Beto is too liberal for Texas and his base are coastal elitists,...

Governor Greg Abbott Endorses Stan Kitzman for House District 85

May 19, 2022For Immediate Release GOVERNOR GREG ABBOTT ENDORSES STAN KITZMAN FOR HOUSE DISTRICT 85 AUSTIN – Today, Governor Greg Abbott announced that he is endorsing Stan Kitzman for House District 85. “Stan Kitzman served his country for 20 years in the...

Beto Voted Against our Nation’s Veterans

May 19, 2022For Immediate Release BETO VOTED AGAINST OUR NATION’S VETERANS “With Beto O’Rourke visiting VFW posts this weekend, it’s worth remembering he voted against increased funding for veterans and was unwilling to fire employees of the VA for severe...

On Oil And Gas: Different Issue, Same Beto

May 18, 2022For Immediate Release ON OIL AND GAS: DIFFERENT ISSUE, SAME BETO “In North Texas yesterday, Beto O’Rourke said he wants Texas to lead in oil and gas production, a far different position from what he took while running for President when he supported the...

Beto Would Kill Texas Businesses With Higher Taxes

May 17, 2022 For Immediate Release BETO WOULD KILL TEXAS BUSINESSESWITH HIGHER TAXES “Extreme liberal Beto O’Rourke would increase taxes across the board on Texas businesses, resulting in the loss of thousands of jobs across the state. With such an anti-business...