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Texans For Greg Abbott Launches Billboards Ahead Of Debate

AUSTIN – As Governor Abbott and Beto O’Rourke face off for the one and only gubernatorial debate, Texans for Greg Abbott is launching a series of billboards around the debate site. The ads will appear in locations throughout the Rio Grande Valley.   “As...

Texanos Por Greg Abbott Presentan: Fronteras Abiertas

For Immediate Release Texanos Por Greg Abbott Presentan: Fronteras Abiertas AUSTIN- Hoy, Texanos Por Greg Abbott estrenaron el tercer anuncio en español de las elecciones generales titulado, Fronteras Abiertas. El anuncio explica como la crisis del fentanilo está...

Texans For Greg Abbott Presents: “Open Borders”

For Immediate Release Texans For Greg Abbott Presents: “Open Borders” AUSTIN – Today, Texans For Greg Abbott released its next television ad of the general election cycle entitled, “Open Borders.” The ad features Sheriffs discussing the...