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Greg Abbott: All Texans Deserve A Texas Miracle

Greg Abbott: All Texans Deserve A Texas Miracle By Attorney General Greg Abbott Austin American-Statesman A Texas that offers unlimited opportunity for all — that is the Texas I will lead as your governor. Texas is the envy of the nation. More than 2 million jobs have...

Greg Abbott, Carly Fiorina Address Women’s Luncheon In Austin

AUSTIN – Greg Abbott and Carly Fiorina today addressed a Republican women’s luncheon in Austin, TX, speaking to the importance of the women’s vote in this election. Cecilia Abbott also addressed the crowd, kicking off the event with remarks about her...

Texas Tops Nation in Exports

Texas leads the nation in so many categories – from job creation to energy production – because our economic model promotes growth and prosperity. In 2013, Texas broke records in exports, selling $279.5 billion in goods overseas. According to the San Antonio...

Editorial: Greg Abbott Says Voter Fraud Is Real

Editorial: Greg Abbott Says Voter Fraud Is Real Amarillo Globe-News Cocaine for votes? If there is a more compelling case of voter fraud in Texas, we have yet to hear one, and hope we never do. Those who claim voter fraud is nonexistent in Texas need to listen to...