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Governor Greg Abbott today announced that his call to crack down on mail-in ballot fraud is generating growing support across Texas. Addressing mail-in ballot fraud is part of the Governor’s 20-item agenda for the ongoing special legislative session.

“While Texas has made great strides in reducing election fraud under the leadership of Governor Abbott in recent years, one area where additional attention is needed is mail-ballot fraud. Any fraud erodes public confidence in our elections, and needs to be rooted out. The TRCCA commends Senator Hancock, Representative Goldman, and Governor Abbott for their efforts to combat mail ballot fraud during the special session.” – Janet H Jackson, President, Texas Republican County Chairs Association

“The Texas Association of Elections Administrators (TAEA) recognizes that mail ballot fraud exists. Although procedures are in place to try to curtail this fraud, we recognize that we must work with our legislators to ensure that laws are in place that have severe enough penalties that make those involved think twice before engaging in this practice. TAEA will continue to support legislation that protects the integrity of elections, and we applaud the legislature’s attempt to protect this integrity. TAEA will support this endeavor by working closely with Governor Abbott, Representative Goldman and Senator Hancock by assisting in any way we can.” – Mina Cook, President, Texas Association of Elections Administrators

“My office continues to vigorously pursue justice for those who were impacted by voter fraud during the recent elections in Dallas County. I applaud Governor Abbott’s initiative that makes mail-in ballot fraud a top priority in the special legislative session. Hopefully, our combined efforts will restore confidence in the voting process and serve as a catalyst for the nation to realize the seriousness of this issue.” – Faith Johnson, Dallas County District Attorney

“One of the greatest privileges we have as Texas citizens is the ability to vote for local and state officials. The integrity of those elections must be upheld in every way possible which includes cleaning up loop holes and rectifying abuses pertaining to mail-in ballots. There is enough evidence that this fraud is occurring and even impacting the outcome of some elections. There must be accountability now and measures put in place to curtail this crime.” – Trayce Bradford, President, Texas Eagle Forum

“Farm Bureau understands the necessity of mail-in ballots but supports practicable changes to eliminate fraud and excess costs.” – Russell Boening, President, Texas Farm Bureau