AUSTIN – Governor-elect Greg Abbott met with Lieutenant General Sean MacFarland, Commanding General of the III Corps and Fort Hood, on Monday to discuss issues relating to members of the military stationed in Texas, veterans affairs, and how state government can best act to support the U.S. Armed Forces.

“The men and women in our military who put service above self are the reason that Texas – and the nation – remains a beacon of freedom that reverberates around the globe,” said Abbott. “As governor, I will ensure that Texas leads the nation in supporting the bravest among us – those who fight and have fought for our freedom.”


Lieutenant General MacFarland has a distinguished 25-year record of service in the United States Army, including posts in Germany, Bosnia, Iraq, Kuwait, and Afghanistan. He commanded 1st Brigade Combat Team “Ready First,” 1st Armored Division during combat missions in Iraq, and recently served as Commanding General of Fort Bliss in El Paso, TX.