April 27, 2022
For Immediate Release
“Extreme liberal Beto O’Rourke’s support for single payer and ‘Medicare for All’ would destroy rural hospitals throughout Texas.” – Mark Miner, Communications Director
O’Rourke: “We Need A Single Payer System.” (Facebook.com, 6/13/17)
- O’Rourke Supported Bernie Sanders’ Medicare For All Plan. “June 15, 2017: Writes a Facebook post that says, ‘A single-payer Medicare-for-all program is the best way to ensure all Americans get the healthcare they need.’ … October 9, 2017: Jeff Stein (then a reporter at Vox, now at the Washington Post) asks O’Rourke if he would support the Sanders bill should he win his Senate race in Texas. ‘The answer is yes, I would,’ O’Rourke tells him.” (Sarah Kliff, “It Is Wildly Unclear Whether Beto O’Rourke Supports Medicare-For-All,” Vox, 3/15/19)
WBUR’s “Hear And Now” Reporting Adopting A Single Payer System Like “Medicare For All” Would “Force More Rural Hospitals To Close, According To Hospital Administrators From Texas To Maine.” “Adopting a single-payer government health care program that covers all Americans would force more rural hospitals to close, according to hospital administrators from Texas to Maine. Universal health care — also known as ‘Medicare for All’ — is a long way from becoming law. But the issue is already dividing Democrats trying to unseat President Trump in the 2020 election.” (Peter O’Dowd, “Rural Hospitals Say ‘Medicare For All’ Would End Up ‘Closing Our Doors’,” WBUR-FM, 8/16/19)